

欧亿体育_点头就能购物 阿里巴巴推虚拟现实支付系统

发布时间:2024-10-16 17:49:01点击:

本文摘要:Alibabas finance arm has shown demonstrated a payment service that will allow virtual reality shoppers to pay for things in future just by nodding their heads.阿里金融事业部展出了一项缴纳业务,该业务将容许虚拟现实购物者在未来点点头就把钱缴了。

Alibabas finance arm has shown demonstrated a payment service that will allow virtual reality shoppers to pay for things in future just by nodding their heads.阿里金融事业部展出了一项缴纳业务,该业务将容许虚拟现实购物者在未来点点头就把钱缴了。VR Pay, the new payment system, is part of Alibabas efforts to capitalise on the latest technology in online shopping.这项新的缴纳系统就是VR Pay,是阿里巴巴致力于将近期技术应用于到网购中的成果之一。In 2015, for example, it introduced a facial recognition technology for Alipay mobile payments service advertised as pay with a selfie.同类例子还有2015年,阿里巴巴为支付宝移动支付服务引进了面部辨识技术,美其名曰“自拍电影缴纳”。

The VR payment technology means people using virtual reality goggles to browse virtual reality shopping malls will be able pay for purchases without taking off the goggles.VR缴纳技术,也就是让用VR眼镜网页虚拟现实购物中心的人不必摘取眼镜就能缴纳购物。They can just nod or look instead.他们只必须点下头或看著某一处就讫。

Lin Feng, who is in charge of Ant Financials incubator F Lab that has been developing the payment service over the past few months, told Reuters: It is very boring to have to take off your goggles for payment.蚂蚁金服F工作室在过去几个月里仍然在研究缴纳业务,主管林锋告诉他路透社:“缴纳时得摘得VR眼镜很困难。With this, you will never need to take out your phone.“有了这项技术,你就可以把手机扔到一旁了。”User identity can be verified on VR Pay via account logins on connected devices or via voice print technology that recognises each persons unique voice.通过在点对点设备上登岸账户或需要辨识个人声音的声纹技术,VR缴纳可以构建用户辨识。Lin said this was the most convenient method in a VR setting compared with other biometric recognition technologies.林锋说道相比其他生物特征辨识技术,VR的这种方法尤为便利。

But passwords will still be needed for authentication, which the user can also enter with head movements, touch, or by staring at a point on virtual display for longer than 1.5 seconds, he said.但身份验证仍必须密码,用户也可以做到一些头部动作、触碰或盯着虚拟世界展出的一处多达1.5秒才可,他说道。VR Pay is expected to be ready for commercial launch by the end of this year.VR Pay未来将会在今年年底投放商用。

Ant Financial said its new VR-based payment infrastructure can make VR a tool rather than just a toy by connecting various VR goggle makers and app developers to the Alipay payments platform.蚂蚁金服回应,支付宝缴纳平台连结了众多VR镜制造商和应用于开发商,其基于VR的缴纳设施能使VR“沦为一个工具而不仅是个玩具”。Ant Financial Services Group, which was demonstrating VR Pay in Shenzhen on Wednesday, operates Chinas largest online payments service Alipay with more than 450 million daily users.12日,蚂蚁金融服务集团研发的VR 缴纳在深圳亮相。这个集团是中国仅次于在线缴纳平台支付宝的运营商,每天有超强4.5亿人用于支付宝。

In September, it bought US company EyeVerify, a maker of optical verification technology used by US banks including Wells Fargo.九月份,蚂蚁金服并购了美国EyeVerify公司,该公司的光学辨识技术被富国银行等多家美国银行用于。

